Led by internationally acclaimed performers and academics Cecilia Sun, Sara Macliver and Shaun Lee-Chen, the Irwin Street Collective is committed to daring and novel approaches to the playing, teaching, and researching historically informed performance practices.
Beethoven’s ten sonatas for piano and violin remain the most significant exploration of the potential of this duo. For the first time in WA, Cecilia Sun and Shaun Lee-Chen perform the complete cycle of these challenging and expressive works on period instruments.
28 November | 7pm
30 November | 7pm
3 December | 3pm
Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA
Single tickets and 3-concert package available here: trybooking.com/CFAXG
School-aged students and their accompanying adults (parents/guardians/teachers) attend for FREE (email concerts@uwa.edu.au to book)