March 2024 Presto out now

Issue 523 of our quarterly magazine “Presto”, covering January – March 2024, is now available for all members to download. This issue includes the WAMTA President’s report given at our recent AGM, reports from workshops and webinars in the first quarter, upcoming events, teaching baroque music, and more.

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UWA Music Events in March 2024

In addition to over 200 performances in 2024, UWA Music are excited to present a wide-range of activities to inspire and support school-aged musicians, through Workshops, Masterclasses, Extension Programs, Bootcamps, Immersion Days and more! Their concert season will be launching soon, but in the meantime, please check out the jam-packed…

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New Advertising Opportunities

WAMTA Teaching and Accredited Teaching members receive a free profile listing on on WA Music Teachers Directory website as a membership perk. Relevant affiliated services, such as piano tuning, instrument repairs etc, can now purchase a listing on either (or both) this WAMTA website in the Teacher Resources section, and…

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MATT Studio is Changing to MusicApprentice

Teaching and Accredited Teaching members currently enjoy a free teacher license for MATT Studio as a perk of WAMTA membership. MATT will be rebranded asĀ MusicApprentice, developed by Gradus Software. This change is due to the significant developments MATT has undergone based on feedback from our various stakeholders. Just a few…

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January 2024 Coffee Catchup

Our first event for 2024 is a coffee morning at Mid Century Cafe in Yokine. Join WAMTA Vice President June Clark and your music teacher colleagues for a cuppa and a chat, from 10am on Tuesday 23rd January 2024. Please RSVP so we can book an appropriately sized table.

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New Teacher Directory Launched

Our WA music teacher directory has had an enormous overhaul. It is now a dedicated site with its own URL, and has a significantly improved search functionality. The site is responsive, so that it can be accessed on a mobile phone. And with the help of an SEO expert, WAMTA…

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December 2023 Presto out now

Issue 522 of our quarterly magazine “Presto” is now available for all members to download. This issue includes the recommended teaching fees for 2024, dates for your diary for the first few months of the new year, reports from our recent events, and a variety of articles both practical and…

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Online Theory Exams Webinar

Sunday 5th November at 12 pm AWST (2pm AEST) In this session, teachers will be able to view examples of what questions look like in the theory exams for various grades. It will focus on what examiners are looking for and how questions are marked, particularly with the creative and harmony…

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