Teaching and Accredited Teaching members currently enjoy a free teacher license for MATT Studio as a perk of WAMTA membership.

MATT will be rebranded as MusicApprentice, developed by Gradus Software. This change is due to the significant developments MATT has undergone based on feedback from our various stakeholders.
Just a few of the new features you can look forward to with MusicApprentice include:
- Custom Dashboard for each user type
- Integration of artificial intelligence technology to assist user progress
- Text to Speech functionality
- Ability to assign resources between teacher and student accounts
- Redeveloped user interface
- Greater focus on progression with resource delivery
- Enhanced gamification elements to aid engagement and motivation
The MATT domain will be under construction while they prepare for the MusicApprentice launch on 29 Jan 2024. You will receive a notification leading up to that date with all necessary details for access to your new MusicApprentice account.