The West Australian Music Teachers' Association sells a wide range of second hand music and reference books. These resources are donated by retired or family of deceased teachers.
We are no longer accepting donations of books as we have closed our office and do not have the space for more! If you have music books to donate, we recommend that you try the Save the Children book depots.
The sale of these books enable teachers to stock up on resources at a low price, and help WAMTA raise much needed funds. Part of these proceeds provide a prize for the Recital & Concerto Competition.
The materials available include:
- Sheet Music at all levels, from beginner lesson books to advanced
- Keyboard: Piano / Organ / Harmonium / Accordion
- Strings: Violin / Viola / Cello / Guitar
- Woodwind
- Percussion
- Voice, including multipart scores for choirs
- Orchestral scores
- Aural workbooks
- Theory & Musicianship references and workbooks
- Reference books: e.g. pedagogy, composers, psychology, music history etc
- Musical Games
The piano music includes boxes of duets (and some trios), plus there are a variety of genres, including jazz and contemporary.
Book Sale Hours
Please note that our collection is currently boxed up and waiting to be sorted and listed online.
Price Range
The price list below is a guide. Some books may be priced higher or lower if they are very new or particularly old! We also have a box of free music.
WAMTA members receive 50% off all books and resources.